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Typhoid Vaccines for Kids in India

About Typhoid Vaccine

Vaccination is vital. Typhoid vaccines help prevent typhoid. If not administered, it can lead to serious complications like high fever that may persist last for a long time.

Types of Typhoid Vaccination

There are two types of typhoid vaccination. They are:

  •    Inactivated Typhoid Vaccine: It is an injectable vaccine that provides protection and a booster dose is required after every 2 years.
  •    Live typhoid vaccine (Oral): It provides protection for about 5 years. It is taken orally as a course of four doses in one week.


Typhoid Vaccine Schedule

The typhoid vaccine schedule in India is included in the list of mandatory vaccinations to be administered right after the birth of a baby:

  •    Number of Doses – The first dose of the TCV is given at the age of 9-12 months.
  •    Recommended Ages – Ideally, the typhoid shot is recommended for children older than 2 years of age. Alternatively, the TCV can be given at the age of 9-12 months.


What Happens If Your Child Misses the Dose?

TCV can be given to the child anytime after the age of 2 years. Oral typhoid vaccine can be given after a baby turns 6 years of age.

Possible Risks and Side-effects from the Vaccine

  1.    Serious Side Effects

Generally, the typhoid vaccine doesn’t have any serious side-effects, mostly just minor ones. The relatively more serious ones include:

  •    Signs of severe allergic reaction like dizziness, and swelling of the face and throat.
  •    Difficulty in breathing.
  •    Weakness.
  •    Very high fever.
  •    Behavior changes.
  1. Less Serious Side Effects

Some side effects of typhoid shot that are not severe are mentioned below:

  •    Fever
  •    A headache
  •    Redness and swelling
  •    Itching and soreness at the place where the injection is given
  •    General discomfort

Oral typhoid vaccine – Besides fever and headache, there may be a chance of:

  •    Vomiting
  •    Diarrhoea
  •    Nausea
  •    Abdominal Pain
  •    Rashes

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